A Time to Remember

A Time to Remember


November 11, 2021 is the National Day of Remembrance. Remembrance Day is also known as Armistice Day. This day marks the very day that World War One ended in 1918. We hold a two-minute silence at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month to remember those who have died in any conflict.


With the world where it is today, understanding our history is more important than ever.  Learning how to keep peace and spread kindness is the first step to proactively prevent history from repeating itself. The children practice acts of kindness daily in Ecocation. We hope that learning how to change the little things can help in the future prevent some bigger issues. 


Our classes will be postponed to honour our Fellow Canadians who have protected Canada and stood for Peace. We do know that coming together as fellow Canadians  is an important lesson to our younger generation. As we remember our past, let’s be a positive influence on our future.


Book Recommendation


Peas on Earth By Todd H. Doodler

《地球上的豌豆》 作者:Todd H. Doodler

Peas on Earth uses a simple play on words to portray the basic concepts of peace, harmony, getting along with all kinds of people, and being green in a manner that young kids will grasp. And it will resonate more as they grow older. Adult caregivers will chuckle over the peas/peace references while young children will relate to the important messages about our earth and those of us who live on it.  The artwork is colorful, charming, and as an added value, there is a simple pop-up at the end of the book.

《地球上的豌豆》用简单的文字游戏描绘出和平、和谐、与他人相处以及环保等易于孩子们掌握的基本概念。而且随着孩子们长大,他们会更明白其中的道理。大人们会觉得豌豆(英文谐音)/和平的说法很有趣,但孩子们则会学习到地球和生活在地球上的人们的重要知识。 这本书色彩鲜艳,内容丰富,而且作为额外惊喜,书的最后一页是立体设计。

Early Years Ecocation