A Time to Celebrate-Winter Solstice

A Time to Celebrate-Winter Solstice


It is winter here and at this time of the seasons changing, many different cultures celebrate this beautiful change. The Winter Solstice is December 21st this year and this can scientifically be described as the moment the sun is directly above the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere. This is the southernmost latitude it reaches during the year. After the solstice, it begins to move again.


This month the lessons will be based around the change in our environment around us and a broader understanding on our planet and how it moves around our solar system. The science of our changing seasons is fascinating and getting a deeper understanding on how our environment is all connected will be our focus of discussion.


Many different cultures and religions understand the importance of this time of year and celebrate it in different ways. From Hanukkah to Kwanzaa to Christmas to Yule. There is something to celebrate for everyone. In Canada we are unique and have many different cultures and people living together. As an educator, teaching our children how beautiful it can be to know how different cultures celebrate is an important life lesson that needs to be learned. Embracing different cultures, celebrating how we are different and understanding the importance of everyone’s celebrations is a start for our younger generation to show inclusion and compassion as they grow up. 


One way to teach our young children about new ideas is through literature. We find that we will  learn something new about a culture with every good book that we read to the children. This month we hope you take the time to celebrate with your family in your special way, and choose to show your children one other way that other families celebrate. 


Book Recommendations


This is one of the best books that We have read lately. Here's a cultural crossover that pays off: a traditionally Japanese poetic form used to celebrate the eight nights of Hanukkah. There's one haiku for each night, and stepped pages add one candle to the menorah every time the page is turned. The simple poetry is set off perfectly by Karla Gudeon's vibrant, freewheeling artwork. A perfect gift, or good to reread each year, Hanukkah Haiku is a jubilant, unforgettable journey through the eight nights of Hanukkah.

这本书是我们近期所读的最推荐的一本书。这是一本关于文化相互交流的成功书籍。书中用一种传统的日本短诗歌形式来庆祝光明节的8个夜晚:每晚都会有一首俳句,阶梯式的页面会为书中的烛台增加一根根的蜡烛。平凡的诗歌在作者Karla Gudeon那充满活力且自由奔放的艺术作品中被完美地衬托出来。《光明节俳句》是一份完美的礼物,每年都适合重新阅读一遍。这本书也是一次欢快且令人难忘的光明节八夜之旅。

This book is a great book to introduce Kwanzaa to children.This book is about a little girl Kayla. This is her favorite time of year. But this year, it looks as if a heavy snowstorm will keep her big brother, Khari, from getting home in time for the festivities. A perfect introduction to Kwanzaa, this book will teach children all about the traditions and practices that make it a special winter holiday.


Early Years Ecocation