Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year


Chinese New Year is celebrated by 20% of the Earth’s population! A new year is always something to cherish and celebrate and many different cultures take the time to do so.

地球上20%的人们都在庆祝中国新年! 新的一年总是有很多值得珍惜和庆祝的事情,许多不同的文化群落都会庆祝这个重要的节日。

Chinese New Year celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional Chinese calendar. The festival is usually referred to as the Spring Festival in China. It’s  is one of several Lunar New Years in Asia. It is also celebrated worldwide in regions and countries with significant Chinese populations, like Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, North America, and Europe. For this reason Ecocation wants to have this as a part of the children’s outdoor learning.

中国新年是庆祝中国传统日历新一年的开始。这个节日在中国被称为春节。它是亚洲的几个农历新年之一。在拥有大量华人的地区和国家,如新加坡、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、北美和欧洲,中国新年也是世界性的庆祝活动。由于这个原因,Ecocation 户外课堂希望可以将这个重要节日作为孩子们学习的一部分。

The festival was traditionally a time to honor deities as well as ancestors. Within each culture their are many different customs and traditions. One tradition that seems to transcend cultures of all types, is to gather with family and friends and celebrate with a feast. Surrounding oneself with loved ones and appreciating a good meal is a very important tradition in any culture.


Book Recommendation


Golden Blooms by Y.T. Tran is a great book to compare how different cultures celebrate the same holiday. Ecocation beleives that having a broader perspective is always a positive learning experience for young children.  

Y.T. Tran的作品《金色花开》是一本很值得阅读的书籍,书中比较了不同文化如何庆祝同一节日。Ecocation户外课堂相信,拥有更广泛的视野对孩子们也是一种良好的学习经验。

Bringing in the New Year by Grace Lin is a great book representing families that are multicultural while still celebrating their own heritage. This aurthor has written many different books from her North American perspective.

Grace Lin所著的《迎接新年》也很值得一看。这本书代表了多元文化家庭,他们仍然会庆祝自己的传统文化。这位作家以北美的视角写了许多不同的书籍。

12 Lucky Animals by Vickie Lee is a great book for young children to enjoy with their parents and grandparents. This book celebrates bilingual families and is an easy read for all.

Vickie Lee的《12生肖》是一本非常适合孩子们与父母,祖父母一起阅读的书。这本书颂扬了双语家庭,家长和孩子们都可以轻松阅读。

Early Years Ecocation